- Tooth pain that worsens when biting or chewing
- Extreme tooth sensitivity to hot or cold foods and beverages, especially if the sensitivity persists after removing the food
- Pus or discharge from the gum
- Pimple-like gum swelling
- Loose tooth
- Darkening of the tooth (gray or black color)
What Is A Root Canal?
A root canal is a useful endodontic procedure that removes inflamed tooth pulp and treats infection. During a root canal, an endodontist makes a small opening in the tooth's crown and removes all infected and inflamed pulp from the interior. Endodontic microscopes and tiny tools ensure the removal of all dead or damaged nerves and the long-term success of your procedure.
After cleaning and sanitizing the tooth, the endodontist introduces a filling made with a special substance called gutta-percha. This filling seals out saliva, food, and other contaminants and makes a recurrence of your infection less likely.
After your root canal heals, you will receive a permanent filling or crown from your restorative dentist.
Benefits of Non-Surgical Endodontics
Are You a Good Candidate for A Root Canal?
If you have any symptoms listed below, you are probably a good candidate for a root canal. A root canal is a well-tolerated procedure that works on most permanent teeth. If your child's primary tooth is infected, the endodontist will perform a related procedure called a pulpotomy or "baby root canal.”
Modern Micro Endodontics provides root canal therapy in New Jersey. Please contact us at one of our six convenient locations to schedule an appointment.

Why Choose Modern Micro Endodontics?
Frequently Asked Questions About Root Canal Therapy
Contact Modern Micro Endodontics
If you have any of the above symptoms or your general dentist informed you that you need root canal therapy, please contact one of our friendly New Jersey offices today. Our six convenient locations allow you to book a prompt appointment when experiencing pain. The sooner you have a root canal, the sooner you can chew again without pain.